About me

Having traveled the world, I found my gift inside me.

Rebranding discipline. Transpersonal coach. Meditation and mindfulness trainer. Mind hacker.


Born from a Belgian father and a Polish mother, languages came quite natural to me. A toddler, I crossed the Iron Curtain twice a year without realising I was moving between two worldviews. Quickly I learnt to read maps and road signs to avoid getting lost. 

Latin and Ancient Greek were a high-school passion. After a summer school in Greece and an exchange year in Italy, I realised my spirit called for a job without borders. I embarked on career in international development – the sky was the limit. I relished in the joy of traveling off the beaten track and mingling with local communities. 

The chase of exploring new territories was stronger than that little voice inside me calling for something bigger and more meaningful. Until life called out on me: a motorbike accident brought me to a standstill. I started to explore my inner self. It wasn’t always fun or easy. Yet the reward was tremendous: inner peace and a life in expansion I could have never imagined before. I discovered my inner gift and I am here to share it with you.

Meditation and mindfulness

Most of the negative patterns in my life

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John Doe
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John Doe